Re: [Banshee-List] Help with iPod setup


Thank you very much for your excellent help.

First, my ipod wasn't being detected in dmesg because the ipod needed resetting: it had presumably got itself into a funny state where it wasn't reporting its existence to the USB host. Might be a tip worth adding to your troubleshooting page...
Second, you were correct in that my ipod wasn't being mounted. In gentoo,  
you apparently need to be in the 'plugdev' group to be able to use the  
pmount utilities (another one that might be worth adding to the  
troubleshooting page).
I haven't got gnome-volume-manager working yet (I'm using xfce4) but I'll  
get to that later.
So, now I have a sitation: the ipod is being detected, it gets manually  
mounted and the ipod utility shows that the ipod has been detected through  
HAL. Now comes my next problem: the mono process grows to nealy 2GB in  
VIRT (567 RES) according to top, system load shoots up to 4+ and the  
system is unusable for a while. I hear sounds coming from the iPod so it's  
obviously accessing the device. After a while things settle down. Mono is  
still using a huge amount of RAM (I'm basically clean out of swap at the  
moment), but I can use my system again. The bad news is that after all  
that, the ipod has not shown up in Banshee.
So near and yet so far. :)

My iPod probably has about 15GB of music on it: could that be the problem?

Thanks again.


On Fri, 09 Dec 2005 12:33:41 -0600, Aaron Bockover <abockover novell com> wrote:

One possible thing:

You need Gnome Volume Manager (g-v-m) to actually mount the iPod. That's
the point of g-v-m: it listens to HAL for new devices to mount. If it is
not running, you have to manually manage mounting devices. We could add
some kind of mount policy directly in libipoddevice, but it would not
make much sense. So the whole problem may just be that it's not mounted.
You can look through the advanced properties in the hal-device-manager
tree to find the device node (or look through dmesg) and mount based on

Additionally mounting is best done through pmount/pmount-hal/pumount. I
strongly recommend installing pmount if it is available in Gentoo. g-v-m
will use pmount to do the mounting if it is installed.

Here's a little chart of the layers:




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