Re: [Banshee-devel-list] GStreamer 0.10 no longer maintained

David Nielsen
Sent with Sparrow

On Tuesday den 12. March 2013 at 14.29, Andrés G. Aragoneses wrote:

My 2c:

Let's state the facts first (correct me if I'm wrong):

- We have 2 backends: GStreamer and GStreamerSharp.
- The latter is the default in Windows.
and OS X if I recall correctly.
- Both target GStreamer 0.10.
- We've always wanted to default to GStreamerSharp, so we only
maintain one backend.

Now, can we assume these?:

a) Gtk3 is more important to finish than GStreamer 1.0.
b) If we commit the patch to make the GStreamer backend target
GStreamer 1.0 instead of 0.10, then we're getting the two backends be
out of sync.
c) If we wanted to get GStreamerSharp work with GStreamer 1.0, that
would probably mean upgrading it to use GLibSharp from gtk-sharp
master (or use the bindinator), which is not a trivial job, and would
anyway depend on Banshee requiring gtk-sharp 2.99.1, which brings us
back to the Gtk3 thing.

So if you agree with a), b), and c) and I haven't missed anything, I
think it is safe to say we should:

1) Get Gtk3 out the door (and for that it makes sense that we wait
until I/we finish GSettings support).
2) Release.
3) Get GStreamerSharp to be default.
4) Release.
5) Make GStreamerSharp work with GStreamer 1.0.
6) Release.

Or should we do 3) before 1)? I'm confused now.

What do you think?
It sounds like:

1) Finishing the GTK3 port
2) Release
3) Port GStreamer# to 1.0
4) Make GStreamer# 1.0 the only supported backend
5) Release

Might be a strong candidate. 0.10 is not going away just yet and it looks like GTK3# is shaping up, hopefully meaning we can get the Banshee GTK3# port working reasonably soon all things considered. I was merely worried about the lack of a plan going forward with the announcement that 0.10 will cease to be maintained.

I am planning to do another Mono + GNOME hackfest later this year with the aim of porting applications to our new bindings once Andreia tells me that the Bindinator is ready for that kind of work. Hopefully that will help push things in the right direction and give everyone some face to face time to hammer out issues.

- David

On 12 March 2013 16:58, David Nielsen <gnomeuser gmail com> wrote:
Upstream Gstreamer will no longer be maintaining 0.10 nor issuing any
further releases. Given that we currently have no GStreamer 1.0 bindings and
the Bindinator isn't up to the task of creating them just yet (Andreia
claims 2 remaining issues if I remember correctly), we should probably
formulate a plan to move forward. There is still some time left on the 0.10
releases since distros will be shipping them but it would probably be a good
idea to start thinking about how we can move Banshee away from using them in
the near future.

Andreia is on CC for a comment on the bindinator progress.

David Nielsen
Sent with Sparrow

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