Re: Configuring multiple SMTP hosts

Hi Peter & Mike!

Am 13.03.22 00:03 schrieb(en) Peter Bloomfield:
I don't recall that Balsa ever used the domain to pick a server, but it seems like a good idea!

I actually wrote code for re-working the authentication and for probing servers based upon the domain name in 
the context of the OAuth2 implementation (Balsa issue #40).  The latter project is somewhat “stalled”, 
though, basically because it is apparently extremely difficult to get approval from the providers (Google, 
Yahoo; Microsoft is more or less working) for a non-commercial Open Source project without external audits 

I could try to extract the authentication and probing code (also related to issue #55) into an new branch, 
but without the actual OAuth2 implementation (which would then just be an additional method, plus the OAuth2 
layer implementation).  This shouldn't be too difficult.  What do you think?


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