Re: [RFC] Workaround for broken message index row heights

Hi Albrecht!

On 07/15/2020 01:46:19 PM Wed, Jack via balsa-list wrote:
On 2020.07.15 08:40, Albrecht Dreß wrote:
Hi all,

I /think/ I finally found a workaround for the sometimes broken display of the row heights in the balsa 
message index, apparently caused by GtkTreeView's automatic calculation being confused by rows being printed 
in bold and/or italics.

For testing, I created the branch “index_row_height_workaround” in which the cell renderer heights are forced 
to the maximum of 1.25 times the standard font height and the status icon heights.  Drawback: if the standard 
font is changed in the global settings, the required row height is re-calculated only after a restart of 
Balsa, which IMHO is acceptable.

For me, this *completely* fixes the issue, but some more testing with different themes and Gtk versions would 
be really helpful.

Hi Albrecht,

So far, looks good.   gtk+-3.24.20.  Plasma theme is oxygen.  As near as I can tell, my gtk+ theme is 
Adwaita, but changing it doesn't seem to affect Balsa visibly.  (I'm primarily a KDE/Plasma system, with 
minimal gnome stuff, and only a bit more gtk based stuff.)


Looks good to me too--current GNOME desktop. I haven't seen an issue yet. But…that issue seems to have been 
less frequent recently, so for me it would take several days of testing to develop an empirical sense of 
whether it's working.

OTOH the fix looks rational and hasn't caused any other issues yet, so merging it into master looks good to 


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