Re: Several minor issues

Hi Jack:

Am 28.08.18 20:57 schrieb(en) Jack via balsa-list:
1) If I do File/Print when viewing an HTML part, Balsa does not actually print the HTML.

Yes, I know…

If it can render the HTML to screen, how hard would it be to also print it?

IIRC, the problem is that Webkit can print the HTML like a browser, but /not/ embedded into the remaining 
part of the message (headers, etc.).  I have no idea if it is possible to let it render into some kind of 
bitmap buffer, and then embed that buffer into the usual printout (which then probably has a bad quality).  
So, for the time being, the only solution seems to open the HTML part into a browser, and print from there.

3) For the past several weeks, I have been noticing an occasional, unpredictable hang/pause in Balsa when 
downloading messages.  […]  I'm looking for any thoughts on how to troubleshoot this better.

You might want to run Balsa with all debug messages (G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all) or only low-level networking 
messages (G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=libnetclient) enabled and check if anything unusual happens with the problematic 
mailbox.  Remember that passwords will be printed in the output, so please sanitise any files before posting 

4) This is completely unrepeatable - but I've had a number of crashes recently, of course never when running 
from command line, although I keep trying. […]

Can you build balsa w/ debugging symbols and run it in gdb?


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