Data copy error


I just stumbled over an issue I can't explain. After sending a mail, I get a message "Saving sent message to file:///home/pc/Mail/sentbox failed: Data copy error".

Now, the file ~/Mail/sentbox is quite big:

$ ls -l ~/Mail/sentbox
-rw------- 1 pc pc 2148394623 May 27 11:29 /home/pc/Mail/sentbox
$ di -h ~/Mail/
Filesystem Mount Size Used Avail %Used fs Type /dev/mapper/sda5_c /home 400.6G 375.9G 4.3G 99% ext4

The disk space is quite low, I admit, but there still should be enough room left to add a simple, short plain-text mail. Also, as far as I know, ext4 can handle file sizes far beyond 2 GB. Could it be that there is a hard-coded limit for the size of mbox files in balsa?

I use balsa on Debian/Sid with MATE-desktop. Unfortunately, the version of balsa from the regular Debian repositories is quite old:

$ dpkg -l | grep balsa
ii balsa 2.4.12-3 i386 e-mail client for GNOME ii balsa-dbg 2.4.12-3 i386 e-mail client for GNOME - debugging symbols

The latest update of balsa came just two oŕ three months ago, but compared with upstream, the Debian-packaged version is about three years behind. Could that explain my problem?

Of course, I always could split my sentbox and move very old messages to a backup. However, sometimes it is nice if I can search through all mails I have ever sent out -- that's why I've kept all sent mails in one file.

Best regards


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