Spell checking with Gspell

Dear List,

GtkSpell, which Balsa has used to provide inline spell checking, is not actively maintained, and can be 
replaced with Gspell[1] with no loss of functionality. Gspell is essentially the Gedit spell checker, and is 
also used by LaTeXila.

Support for using Gspell as a replacement for GtkSpell has been added to the gtk3 branch. The configure option "--with-gtkspell" has been replaced by 
"--with-spell-checker=(no|gtkspell|gspell)", with the default still being "no". If you have a Gspell package, configuring 
"--with-spell-checker=gspell" should give the same spell checking as with GtkSpell, but with a different right-click menu on misspelled words. If 
not, configure "--with-spell-checker=gtkspell".

Gspell provides both inline spell checking and a spell-check dialog, much like Balsa's own dialog, which is 
implemented when neither Gspell nor Gtkspell is configured. If there is interest, Balsa could use Gspell to 
offer both inline checking and the dialog, but we'd need to have a discussion about the UI for supporting 
that; the current UI has only one option, which toggles inline checking if either Gspell or Gtkspell is used, 
or pops up the dialog if neither is configured.

Looking forward to a discussion!


[1] https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/gspell

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