Re: Touch UI

Am 07.06.16 18:21 schrieb(en) Peter Bloomfield:
For example, if someone were interested in attempting to port Balsa to Android, would that code be of any 
use, or would it require a fresh start?  (Although I do have an interest, I have no experience with 
developing for Android, so I don't know how much of the code needs to be different from the base Linux/Posix 

There seems to be something like a Gtk/Android port [1], but apparently in a very early state ("0.1alpha 

The touch-ui effort began inn 2004; see the threads 
<URL:> and 
<URL:>. My guess is that the target devices would 
be quite different now, and a fresh start would be needed.

Agree.  Apart from that, the 2004 code was written for Gtk2, not Gtk3, which would require lots of 
modifications anyway.

Peter, I fully agree with you and also vote for cleaning those parts!

Related to that, I added support for Mac OS X ages ago ("HAVE_MACOSX_DESKTOP").  I must admit that I didn't 
try it again for almost the same time...  However, Gtk/Mac seems to be actively supported [2].  I will look into that.


[1] <>
[2] <>

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