Re: Another question

Hi Jeffrey,

On 04/08/2014 08:27:04 PM Tue, Jeffrey Needle wrote:
Yes, I know.  But when I compose an e-mail, I see no way of selecting the other vcf file.  I have a file that 
contains the list of seven individuals who will be traveling with me soon.  I want to send an e-mail out to 
all of them.  How do I do that?  Again, no way, while composing an e-mail, to select that vcard file and send 
mail to all of them.

What I usually do is to draft an email with a group address of the form

myGroup: joe example com, alex another org;

then save it to the draft box, open it for reading, and save that address.  It goes into whatever default address book I'm using, 
and provided that book has the "Treat multiple addresses as...a distribution list" button set, I can later just type 
"my" into the To: box, and that list is offered as one of the completion options.

You can also use the "Run Editor" button to edit the address book, and create myGroup with the several 
addresses, but I find that less convenient--just my personal feeling.

But I don't know of a way to create a group address from an address book with individual addresses.  Anyone 
know of a way?



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