message display threading issues

Good morning all,

I've posted before about threading issues (threaded display of messages, not compiling with/without threads) but I've noticed something much more frequently since upgrading to 2.5.1 with gtk3. Unfortunately, I have not been able to figure out any pattern. When I open a mailbox, sometimes the contents appear threaded, and sometimes not. In the past, when this happened, just clicking on a column heading (twice, to end up in the same order I started) and it threads/indents correctly. Now, it seems completely random, and clicking on any headers any amount of times only seems to cause a threaded display maybe 1 quarter of the time. Closing and reopening balsa works a bit more consistently, but still not always.

My preferences are set to date for default sort column, JWZ for threading style, and expand threads on open IS checked. One question - the preferences says "default threading style". I know clicking on a column head can temporarily change the sort column and order, but is there something to temporarily change the threading style?

Thanks for any suggestions.


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