Re: gtk3 branch compile problem --without-nm

On 2011.12.19 02:48, Ildar Mulyukov wrote:
On 18.12.2011 22:50:35, Jack wrote:
Trying to run a second copy from command line just returns silently, but it may be my WM that simply doesn't bring the already running copy to the front.

Nope, that's balsa itself through GApplication.

I understand that balsa uses GApplication to be sure it doesn't start a new copy. It was Peter's post about this that finally prompted me to try to compile the git version. However, I thought the running copy might pop to the top so you don't think your new invocation just failed silently, and I wondered if my WM simply ignored the bring to front command. I thought I saw the balsa icon on the task bar flashing, but I'm not sure. Anyway - this just confirms that GApplication does what it's supposed to do.

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