Re: Choose signing key

Hi Bruno!

On 08/02/2008 07:36:52 AM Sat, Bruno Miguel wrote:
Em 02-08-2008 11:44:37 Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh) escreveu:
> Le 02.08.2008 12:19:49, Bruno Miguel a écrit :
> >Hi.
> >
> >I want to be able to choose a key to sign the emails I send, but I
> >can't find the option for that. Is it available in Balsa?
> See Settings -> Identities -> Sécurity
> There, you can telll the king of key which is associated with the
> selected identity.

I have two openpg keys, but that doesn't allow me to choose the one I
want to use.

Balsa uses the "From:" address to find the key. Presumably you have a different address for each of your keys, so the simple solution would be to create a separate identity for each address. Otherwise, we'd need a way to attach a separate "signing address" to the message being created, and a UI for setting it, which seems like a much more complicated solution.

> >Also, I wonder if it's possible to only sign emails sent to specific
> >addresses, like a filter.
> You can sign everything by default or use the "Option" menu entry to
> choose to sign a particular message.

It would be really useful to have the ability to create signing
filters, that is, create a filter to sign an email sent to specific
addresses, avoiding forgetting to sign an important message. Also, that
could be complemented with an option to choose specific keys for the
filters, because you probably don't sign all your emails with the same
key; some need a key only shared with close people.

That might be feasible, although again it would require some new internal structures and some new UI to implement it. Why not just sign all messages sent using the identity that you use for important messages?



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