Re: Choose signing key

Em 02-08-2008 13:55:17 Peter Bloomfield escreveu:
> Balsa uses the "From:" address to find the key.  Presumably you have 
> a
> different address for each of your keys, so the simple solution would
> be  
> to create a separate identity for each address.  Otherwise, we'd need
> a  
> way to attach a separate "signing address" to the message being
> created,  
> and a UI for setting it, which seems like a much more complicated
> solution.

I use the same email addresses for both keys. And I'm considering 
creating another one, because one will be used for a really small 
amount of truly trusted emails and the other for emails with some 
degree of trust - some projects I'm involved and so on.I use the same 
email addresses for both keys. And I'm considering creating another 
one, because one will be used for a really small amount of truly 
trusted emails and the other for emails with some degree of trust - 
some projects I'm envolved and so on.

The other key is for encripting local files I want to keep private.

> That might be feasible, although again it would require some new
> internal  
> structures and some new UI to implement it.  Why not just sign all  
> messages sent using the identity that you use for important messages?

Like I said, I want to have levels of trust, 
because not all emails deserve the same level.

Bruno Miguel

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