Re: Some hints for usability improvements

Am 2006.02.12 13:13 schrieb(en) Peter Bloomfield:
Although the contents of each page in a notebook will take up a different amount of space, do not use larger than normal spacing around the controls in the "emptier" pages, and do not center the controls on the page.

I'm still not sure what that means--I read it as preferring the tight layout that's implemented, but that may be completely wrong!

OK, I get it--that /was/ completely wrong! We're supposed to expand the controls, so as not to leave the space that Steffen mentioned. New attempt in cvs...

I would read it like this as well and it even looks a lot better... :)
My interpretation is that only the spacing _between_ the elements shouldn't grow... But I'm sure you got it earlier then me - otherwise I can't explain the nice improvement in cvs... ;)

Like I said before: it's really an improvement in usability!!!

Have you an idea about the toolbar problem?



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