Re: Problems compiling Balsa 2.2.6

On 10/18/2005 03:39:17 PM Tue, Daniel Tahin wrote:

First at all i would like to thank you for this nice program. I use it a long time ago. Now i would like to update it. I would like to use 2.2.6, because i wan't update the full gtk package.
[ snip ]
balsa-app.c: In function `ba_remove_children_mailbox_nodes':
balsa-app.c:848: void value not ignored as it ought to be

gtk_list_store_remove was changed from returning void to gboolean in June, 2002--I don't know what library version first reflects that, but it must have been quite early in the 2.0.x series. Can you upgrade at least to the that version?


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