Re: Libnotify support

--- Pawel Salek <pawsa theochem kth se> wrote:

> On 07/20/05 10:50:26, Johan Brannlund wrote:
> > For instance, what if several messages arrive simultaneously?

> Good question - you have got a decision to make! 

Right, that definitely requires some thinking. I'll try to put
something together soon and then people can try it out and we'll see
what they think.

For now, my question was mostly a practical programming matter, though:
once I have the message pointed to by first_unread, how do I get the
other ones? I was expecting to find a pointer to the next message in
the LibBalsaMessage struct, but didn't see one. I may be missing
something obvious... should I use bndx_select_next_with_flag() ?

> Messages are stored in mailbox in the arrival order, "first unread"  
> message is the one among the unread ones that was appended to the  
> mailbox earliest.

Okay, thanks.

- Johan

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