Compatibility with Evolution

Andrew, Pawel,

Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 08:13:20 +0000
From: Pawel Salek <pawsa theochem kth se>
Subject: Re: Compatibility with Evolution
To: Andrew Conkling <andrewski fr st>
Cc: balsa-list gnome org
Message-ID: <1106727200l 27150l 0l pi biotech kth se>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; DelSp=Yes; Format=Flowed

On 01/26/2005 04:51:11 AM, Andrew Conkling wrote:
> Is it possible to share a mailbox with Evolution?  I would like to
> able to interchange my mail between Balsa and Evolution if possible.
> If it is, is there a way to convert from mbox (which I'm using in
> Balsa now)?

I do not know what kind of mailbox format is used by evolution. Does
anybody know that? Balsa can read mbox, maildir, mh formats. The
ultimate way of sharing mailboxes between different programs and
computers is to use IMAP but this will be an overkill if you access
mail from one computer only.


At work I had to share mail folders between balsa, evolution and mutt. You can set up the folders for balsa and mutt so they point to the right place like - inbox:

but what happens is the index files for evolution get out of sync when you change the mail file with balsa or mutt. This does not seem to be a great problem though, evolution seems to detect that the file has changed and automatically rebuilds the index.
I did not have this setup in a very heavy duty situation though so  
Philip Rhoades

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