Re: Copy and paste between Balsa windows?

On 01/19/2005 10:06:33 PM, Andrew Conkling wrote:
On 19/01/05 18:13:51, Carlos Morgado wrote:
On 17 Jan 2005 18:03:50, Andrew Conkling wrote:
From other GTK+ programs, I've come to expect that copying from a child window (not sure if I have the appropriate lingo here) is fine as long as the parent window is still open. Thusly, I should be able to copy from a message window as long as the main Balsa window is still open.

Possibly another Gtk version issue? I can open a message window, highlight some text, copy it with ctrl+C, close the message window, and paste into for instance vi, with crtl+shift+V. Middle-button pasting is another issue...;-)

$ pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0



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