Re: Re : "clickable url" needs several clics ...

On 2004.01.11 08:51, Peter Bloomfield wrote:
> On 01/11/2004 04:58:35 AM, Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh) wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Well, I think that, when the url is highlighted, it should get  
> > the focus.
> > And I click it when highlighted.
> But how do you select the text of the URL, say for copying?  You  
> press the button, move the pointer, and release the button.   
> Balsa has to know that you're selecting text, not activating the  
> URL.  Right now, it regards *any* movement between pressing and  
> releasing as implying selection, not activation.  We could easily  
> put in a small tolerance of a few pixels, as Eric suggested--and  
> even add it as a user preference, if it was deemed important/ 
> aggravating enough.
> One alternative would be to use character locations instead of  
> pointer (x,y) coordinates: activate if the pointer is over the  
> same character (=offset into a GtkTextView).  Of course, then you  
> can never select just a single character... ;-)

In URLs, that's not a problem. The only reason I'd have for copying
one character, is if it is a special symbol that you can't just
type with one keystroke, and those would be invalid in a URL...

I have the problem too, and I'd love to have the sensitivity
significantly reduced.

Thanks, Willem Riede.

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