Re: UI suggestions

On 2004.02.01 20:51, Steffen Klemer wrote:
> Am 2004.02.01 12:14 schrieb(en) Andreas Schmidt:
>> Hi,
>> I've another wishlist :-)
>> Selecting messages in the main window could be more convenient if  
>> there was not only a "Select all" option, but also one to "Invert  
>> selection". Especially for system mails from cron & friends it would  
>> be nice to be able to select the one or two messages one wants to  
>> keep for further review and clean out the hundreds of uninteresting  
>> messages that have accumulated over time. :-) It would be swell (OT  
>> question to the native speakers: is that expression still used  
>> today?) if that option could be reached via the mouse context menu,  
>> although it would already help it there was just an Edit-menu entry.
> I don'T think this would be useful - you can simply select all and  
> then <shift>-click all the unwanted-msgs
Sure...that's the way I do it now. :-)
>> For the message view, it would be nice to have "View Source" on the  
>> context menu as well. Sure, there is a keyboard shortcut. But  
>> usually, just when I want to look at the full headers I forget that  
>> it is <ctrl>-<v> :-)
> Sure it should be somewhere in the menu, but for the time being, you  
> could put an icon "show all headers" on your toolbar (Prefs->Toolbar)
In the beginning, I had "show all headers" enabled. However, as I'm a  
bit short sighted, I use rather big fonts. With this option turned on,  
the headers sometimes fill of the space on the preview pane, or even  
more. Especially for short messages, "show selected headers" is more  
convenient, as it might save lots of scrolling. Also, I'm only  
occasionally interested in viewing all headers. For the time being I've  
got quite good at remembering the <ctrl>-<v> shortcut, though...
> cu
> /Steffen
Best regards,


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