Re: initial thoughts on 2.1/HEAD - trouble checking mail and otherproblems

>> 'make install' the following trouble
>> /usr/bin/install: `./Balsa.idl' and `./Balsa.idl' are the same file
>> (full text attached)
> I get that too--`make -k install' gets you past it.

This gives me
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make: Target `install' not remade because of errors.

and the balsa binaries don't even get installed.

>> For some reason, I couldn't check my mail. Sending worked, and so  
>> did an APOP account I rarely use, but the vanilla POP I'm currently  
>> mailing from, I keep getting these:
>> POP3 mailbox online error: -ERR authorization failed
>> This is the hitch that will keep me from using HEAD :-(
> Could you run from the command line with the -d option?  You'll get  
> the dialog with the server dumped on the console--that might help  
> diagnose it.

It most certainly did: I found that balsa is trying to talk to my  
server with APOP, even though I explicitly deselected "Use APOP  
authentication" in the account prefs. Here's the full dialog:

POP S: +OK <joe@blow>
POP S: -ERR authorization first
POP C: APop joe <HEX HASH>
POP S: -ERR authorization failed

(values modified to protect the innocent)
My primary mail account doesn't support APOP, and never has. Makes  
sense that the other account worked, though, as it _only_ works with  

I'll redo my configuration later... right now the sun is out and it's  
finally warm, so I'm going to go frolick in the green pastures (if I  
can find green pastures here in the urban jungle)



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