Re: strace


I am using Balsa 2.0.12 (which btw rocks!) on Debian Sid.
> Again, the list of things which have not been working properly on my 
> installation (the machine name is 'cromwell') include:  
> * blank lines between paragraphs run disappear when a message is sent
Works for me
> * HELP function is inoperative
Works for me
> * SPELLING function returns the message "No word lists can be found for 
> the language 'en_US'."  
> * message cannot be further edited once the SPELLING button is pressed; 
> the cursor can be moved, but no characters can be typed 
Works for me

> * message body fields are invisible (solid grey) for all mail boxes 
> other than Inbox
Works for me
> * message body is missing upon CONTINUE after a message is postponed
Works for me
> * print units and margins return to default values after a message is 
> printed, even when the same message is printed a second time
Did not test.

> I installed Debian via the 'netinst' procedure (that is, downloading 
> over the Internet, rather than from CD) on the 2nd of July (that is, 
> less than a week ago).  After installing the base system from the 
> 'stable' archive, I edited /etc/apt/sources.list to include the 
> 'testing' archive, and did a dist-upgrade.  This gave me the Gnome2 
> desktop.  
Maybe this is the problem. As you can see in debian-gtk-gnome lists, gnome 2 is a bit broken in testing, at least it was not so long ago. Maybe this is causing you all this trouble.

> My motivation for installing from the 'testing' archive rather than 
> from 'stable' is two-fold:  

If you are not afraid of testing maybe try unstable. I never used testing, went straight from woody to sid, it is pretty much usable as desktop system. And if something stops working after upgrade you can imediately revert to working version using



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