Mark as read functionality


I recently installed POPFile to get a bit of control over spam. It works 
great, mostly. POPFile marks the messages as [Spam] and a Balsa filter rule 
picks it up and sorts it away.

Every now and then I check the spam folder and delete what's there. So far, 
so good.

The messages sorted into the spam folder remain unread, and unread they 
still are when they are deleted. That is what I don't like. There is no 
easy way to mark an entire folder's contents "read", no kebinding, it's 2 
two-level menu actions to achieve that. There also is no filter action to 
mark a message as read.

Now I would like to have a filter action "Mark message read", so my filter 
chain could read "If message header matches [spam] mark message as read and 
move to spam folder".

Also, a keybinding for the toggle read/unread would be nice.



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