Re: [Q] Send functions oddness

Le 12.09.2002 12:00, Carlos Morgado a écrit :
> On 2002.09.12 16:58:03 +0100 Emmanuel wrote:
>>> we have a global format=flowed parameter, it's not per-message
>> Yes but if you queue one mail and the you change enconding or flow 
>> parameter in your prefs, what do we do when we send the queued mails? 
>> And yes I agree, this is not a big issue ;-)
> we use the new preference :) it's a err feature :)
BTW could you explain to me and the audience of the list how 
libbalsa_create_msg works please. And widerly, could you tell us how we 
copy a libbalsa message to have its libmutt counterpart that we can use in 
libmutt function (eg in mutt_write_fcc).

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