Re: Some Questions

On 26.11.2002 10:32 Pawel Salek wrote:
> On 2002.11.26 10:24 Helmut Koeberle wrote:
>>>> 2. How can a different print command be stored as a user 
>>>> preference?
>>> No. This is really gnome-print module problem. We cannot store it 
>>> without rewriting this gnome module.
>> OK, so we will change the default print_command "lpr" in 
>> libmutt/init.h.
> This won't work (sorry): print_command from libmutt/init.h is 
> unused.I would rather check defaults in libgnomeprint.


>>>> 3. When receiving new messages, some folders are highlighted with 
>>>> new messages, but there are no new messages in these folders.
>>> Is this balsa-1.4.1? I saw it when the local mail directory was NFS 
>>> mounted and the time between the client and server were off. What's 
>>> your setup?
>> Yes, the home directory is nfs-mounted, but the time on both machines
>> differ at a maximum of a few seconds. And the folders are always the 
>> same.
> I can try to reproduce it but cannot promise much at the moment.

It's only a cosmetic problem, thanks.

> /pawel

Helmut Koeberle				Tel.  :+49-(0)7541-585-1005
Service Director                        Fax   :+49-(0)7541-585-2005

88045 Friedrichshafen

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