Re: Proposal for a new Preferences window

Am 2002.11.17 15:12 schrieb(en) Carlos Morgado:
   > On Sun, Nov 17, 2002 at 10:10:48AM +0100, Steffen Klemer wrote:
   > > Am 2002.11.17 01:37 schrieb(en) Carlos Morgado:
   > [snip]
   >   > Humm, if you don't know what it means, you're not. Simple enough.
   > "i wonder if i'm advanced or not, i'll try the advanced sky slope
   > anyway"

Like I said, it's only the (quoting the HIG) "visual clutter" that makes 
people unsure and feel bad
Personally I can understand that, but I also wouldn't mind a simple 
advanced tab...

   >   > >    >   >   The progress of sending and retrieving should always 
   > > displayed in
   > >    > the
   > >    >   statusbar with a cancel button and the msg that it is done.
   > >    >   > there can be no cancel button.
   > >
   > > I'm sure there can - gimp has one, too... ;-)
   > >
   >   > well, gimp doesn't handle pop and imap does it ? it's currently
   > Hard to interrupt an imap operation

Yes, but...
I can't say anything 'bout imap, but the pop-window has a cancel button.
Oh no, overlooked - it's "hide" <- *ashamed*
Ok, in that case just ignore the button and simply implent the progress 
bar into the staus bar...


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