Re: gnupgp

Hi Albrecht,

Quoting Albrecht Dress <>:

> Does this also include (or do you plan) signing and signature checking
> according to RFC1847/RFC2015? I saw that currently the signed message is
> sent "as is" in a single text/plain part.

Yes, I will code signing and signature checking according to RFC2015 (PGP/MIME)
in  a near future. RFC3156 replaces RFC2015 now.

But in a first stage, I prefer develop all features (sign, verify ,ecncrypt,
decrypt) for text/plain message (RFC2440) because it's more simple and his
format  is more used than PGP/MIME today (integrity of security alerts in
Bugtraq, messages from NG...)

A++ Laurent.

Laurent Cheylus <> OpenPGP ID 0x5B766EC2

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