Re: This is WAY off topic, but...

On Tue, 18 September 09:00 Raven wrote:
> On 2001.09.18 02:16 Brian Stafford wrote:
> > 
> > My personal feeling is that routing mail internally via SMTP on a small
> local
> > network is more bother than its worth.  I'd set up an IMAP server on the
> publicly
> > accessible host, have the MTA deliver to that and point the UAs at the
> > server.  The UAs can always save the message locally if necessary.  The
> > server need not be configured for the public IP address - just the
> > private one.
> I find that your suggestion of using IMAP for the exposed host makes a lot
> of sense for this application. So I don't bug the list too much with this
> question (actually, the two people that came to mind to answer this did ;) 
> ), what web sites, books, or other resources exist to help me build an IMAP
> server to receive mail and something to do the reverse going back out?
> Incidentally, the outside world need never have access to my outbound
> server, if that helps clarify the issue.

I use the Cyrus IMAP server which works for me.  The thing I like about Cyrus
is that is is a "sealed" server - the user accounts and the passwords it
maintains are completely independent of the Un*x users - i.e. you dont need to
set up a Unix user account for each mailbox.  The Cyrus server provides a
delivery program which is used by your MTA to deliver mail into its mailbox
storage.  Note that you'll need a seperate MTA with Cyrus.

There is also "courier" which is a full blown MTA and which also includes an
IMAP server.  I haven't used this so I can't help much there.

There might be an IMAP server for Postfix too - not sure though.

Can't help with URLs but I know the above programs are listed on freshmeat.
Try a search there.


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