Re: Balsa + libESMTP patch


let's cool down. We all have common goal and just a problem with seeing
it. I am very happy that Brian developed libESMTP and spent his hime on
interfacing it with balsa. We need clean, robust, functional code.
libESMTP is a new library with all its advantages and disadventages: it
seems to be a code that adopts current SMTP standards with many
extensions - and probably forces some change in the traditional way of
thinking ("where is my sendmail!?"). This is going to be a large step
which may take a lot of effort from all of us and bring some surprized
people to balsa-list. What we have got to to is to listen to the
complaints, sift real problems from tradition, solve the problems and
release :-).

As I see it now, I would like to make a branch for it, commit the
patches from Brian, resolve the configuration issues (the port) and
release. If nothing breaks down, it should not take more than a week
till the release. Then, if there are no major complaints from the users,
we merge this branch with the HEAD in 7-day time scale.

The local mail transport agent is not a real issue, IMO. I mean it
requires to change the way of thinking but I don't know any real-world
situation where the this would cause any major problem (correct me if I
am wrong). Hm, the only possible trouble is that the user has to specify
the relaying host but we gain a clean interface and this is very
important, IMO. And most of the time, the user could specify localhost
instead of using "local mail user agent".

Any comments to this suggestion?


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