Re: Balsa + libESMTP patch

On 2001.05.02 19:12:47 +0100 Carlos Morgado wrote:

<long and boring discussion snipped>

Carlos, you obviously differ in viewpoint to me here.  Neither of us
is prepared to back down.  Your attitude has been downright hostile
and criticism is easy when you aren't the one who has spent every
moment of limited spare time coding libESMTP for the last few months.
I have a vested interest in the success of libESMTP.  If you don't
want to use libESMTP that is your problem, not mine.

My objective is simple - to produce a robust and useful SMTP client
for use by whatever programs wish to use it.  Balsa isn't the only
MUA and it isn't the only program with an SMTP client.

Hopefully others will try the patch and report any bugs they find.
This is constructive rather than destructive and will improve libESMTP
which is far more important to me right now than whether a patch is
to your taste.

If Balsa doesn't adopt my code, I'll survive.

Brian Stafford

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