Re: Balsa + libESMTP patch [chbm chbm nu]

On 2001.05.02 17:13:58 +0100 Brian Stafford wrote:
> On Wed,  2 May 16:21 Carlos Morgado wrote:
> | this is about onld stmp code vs. libesmtp anyway, not libesmtp vs.
> | local mta so this is moot. 
> Well libESMTP is definitely better than the existing client.
> Given that a reliable SMTP client is available for posting mail,
> why does one need sendmail to do it instead?
surely you don't sugest we remove the local mta option from balsa ?

> | > workstation).  Inflexible for many reasons derived from the fact
> | that
> | > very fine grained control over protocol options and recipient
> | options
> | > and status etc is possible at the protocol level compared to
> | sendmail's
> | > command line.
> | > 
> | that's why there is a
> Eh?  How does allow the app to retrieve per-recipient
> status?  To set, e.g. DSN options per recipient?
it's the other way around. it allows you to have 1 configuration
for all muas you use. some people do use more than 1 mua. 

having muas knowing smtp is even debatled from a design stand point
and can only be defended for convinience, not correcteness.

> | as for flexibility, can you do per domain routing for instance ? 
> No.  And this will never become part of libESMTP.  Its for posting
> mail remember.  Per domain routing is an MTA function.  Besides,
> it's a bad idea when the user is stuck behind a firewall which blocks
> port 25 to the outside world.
some people need it in weird setups. another example is weird per user
header rewrites (granted, you can do that on a smtp enabled mua)

> | > Or are you saying libESMTP doesn't work or is buggy?  If so I'd like
> | 
> | no. i'm saying balsa shouldn't make such a change overnight. i'm
> | saying there 
> | should be a 1.1 release with default --with-libesmtp=yes and then on
> | the next 
> | libmutt review phase out the old code. 
> | i'm saying maybe there should be a libesmtp branch. pawel ?
> | 
> | > the bug reports, please.  A significant amount of effort has gone
> | > into the developemnt of libESMTP over the last 5 months or so.  If
> | > there are problems with the library, I really need to know about it.
> | > 
> | haven't tried it yet. just aplied the patch over current balsa and ran
> | configure
> I feel it would be a *lot* more constructive if you reserved criticism
> until *after* you'd actually tried out the patch.

i didn't claim libesmtp sucks. if i did, i mistiped or you misread. understand
my objections are about an overnight change, and about the options balsa
present to users not about using libesmtp itself.

(btw, pardon my spelling :\)


Carlos Morgado - chbm(at)chbm(dot)nu - -- gpgkey: 0x1FC57F0A FP:0A27 35D3 C448 3641 0573 6876 2A37 4BB2 1FC5 7F0A
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