Transfer to folder bug


 I just found another bug that needs some squishing:

When read email is moved from a local folder to an IMAP folder, it appears
as unread email there, causing the folder name to become green. It is then
necessary to read the email again from that folder to make the green color
go away.

And another one:

 When I am in the middle of moving emails and the program starts checking
for new emails in the background, it will hang when it comes to checking
"Local mail". I need to kill the program (SIGTERM) then, because it will
not unfreeze again.
What is "Local mail", anyway? Why can't I disable that check? I'm not
running an MTA on the local host, there will never be _any_ local mail
coming in!

And a major one:

 When large numbers of emails are moved between IMAP folders, the _entire_
desktop locks for the duration of the move. Neither mouse nor keyboard can
be used to control any other applications.

I would dearly like to do some bug squishing myself, but I would at least
need some sort of a source code map, to know which file to start looking in
for a given functionality.


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