Re: IMAP folders [brian stafford uklinux net]

On 2001-06-18 18:00 Brian Stafford wrote:
> | icon.  Is that so?  What icons do you see in the Cyrus tree?  Are
> you
> | seeing no messages in either tree?
> No messages in either tree.
> Older Balsa (about 10 days-ish ago) shows messages on both servers,
> but no tree for the Cyrus server.
> M$ tree shows folder icons on non-leaf nodes, trays against leaf
> nodes.
> However it also shows a tray against one of the non-leaf nodes.
> Cyrus shows all nodes except root node with tray iconss.
> Also I get INBOX twice, once as a leaf and once with tree hanging
> off it.

This requires some close investigation. Is the mailbox really opened,
for instance? 

I can only say that present CVS works for me(TM) and for Peter
Bloomfield (I guess)...


Pawel Salek (
Theoretical Chemistry Division, KTH voice: +46 8 790-8202

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