Re: text colors - a wish

2001-01-12 21:25, Fernan Aguero rašė:
> I was about to change the regexp that is used for quoted text, when it
> ocurred to me that it would be good to have different colors associated
> with different regexps.
> But then the best and most flexible option is to have each user use
> whatever regexp to color anything they like. 
> Do you think this would be a good idea to have in balsa? I would like to
> know your opinions.
> Given that we already have regexp coloring working, it should be a
> matter of reorganizing the Preferences->Misc->Colors window or am i
> missing something?

Generally it is a very good idea to have, say, some predefined regexps, and
a button more... to add an infite number of regexps :)

However, then Balsa would become impossible to use for reading mail --
GtkText widget is so slow, especially with pixmap themes, and colorizing
text makes it even more slow.

So, together with the implementation of this idea Balsa should switch to
another Text widget (GtkExText or Scintilla? Or maybe backport Text widget
from Gtk+2?)

> Fernan.
> -- 
> # --------------------------------------------------------- #
> #                                            _              #
> #   Fernan Aguero            |              / \             #
> #   Bioinformatics           |       ASCII  \ /  against    #
> #   IIB-UNSAM                |      ribbon   /   HTML       #
> #  |    campaign  / \  email      #
> #   ICQ 100325972            |             /   \            #
> #                                                           #
> # --------------------------------------------------------- #

signatures more than 4 lines in length are rude and deprecated. Quoting
signatures is also bad ;)

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