Re: gnome-text-plain.png

Buvo Kt, 2001-02-08 10:15-0800, kai Matthew Guenther rašė:
> Last night I grepped through the sources and didn't find any mention of
> gnome-text-plain.png anywhere, then doing a 'locate gnome-text-plain.png' on
> my system turned up nothing, and this morning I searched through all of
> debian and gnome cvs and couldn't find the file anywhere... so I'm not sure
> it's the lack of gmc that is the problem.
> Needless to say this is very odd...

it is in function libbalsa_icon_finder() in file libbalsa/files.c

it wants that file because the message type it wnats to display is
text/plain. But it shouldn't want an icon for it, for plain text messages
there should be nothing displayed!

Gediminas Paulauskas  ···  ···  ICQ 24859336

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