certain emails crash balsa for me

hi everybody,
  i've had consistent crashes in balsa on certain email messages since
0.6 or so, and i have no idea why.  currently, i'm running 1.1.1, on a
sun ultra 5 running solaris 2.6.  i have one pop3 account, and i can't
find any consistancy in what type of message crashes it (no attachments
necessarily, not part of a thread).  i've attached one of the messages. 
below is the stack trace of balsa's crash.  if any one can give me any
hints, i would *really* appreciate it.


Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xeebf883c in match_re_C ()
(gdb) where
#0  0xeebf883c in match_re_C ()
#1  0xeebf8c90 in match_re_C ()
#2  0xeebf8940 in match_re_C ()
#3  0xeebf8940 in match_re_C ()
#4  0xeebf82c0 in __regexec_C ()
#5  0x59634 in is_a_quote (str=0x28fc08 "> \n", rex=0xefffe0c8)
    at quote-color.c:80
#6  0x3c438 in part_info_init_mimetext (bm=0x29cf5c, info=0x28e518)
    at balsa-message.c:1187
#7  0x3c7ac in part_info_init (bm=0x15f008, info=0x28e518)
    at balsa-message.c:1297
#8  0x3d230 in select_part (bm=0x15f008, part=2680088) at
#9  0x3ae58 in balsa_message_set (bm=0x15f008, message=0x1f4230)
    at balsa-message.c:490
#10 0x35c54 in idle_handler_cb (widget=0x188220) at balsa-index.c:1793
#11 0xeefa8d3c in g_idle_dispatch (source_data=0x35b48, 
    dispatch_time=0xefffe440, user_data=0x188220) at gmain.c:1365
#12 0xeefa76f8 in g_main_dispatch (dispatch_time=0xefffe440) at
#13 0xeefa7ff8 in g_main_iterate (block=1084, dispatch=1) at gmain.c:877
#14 0xeefa8208 in g_main_run (loop=0x183688) at gmain.c:935
#15 0xef446f50 in gtk_main () at gtkmain.c:476
#16 0x4a1ec in main (argc=811008, argv=0xefffe614) at main.c:406

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