

i've detected some major/minor memoryleaks in balsa
that i would really appreciate beeing nailed down if
there is the time.

well howto detect memoryleaks quite easy and reliable.

- get 'memprof' either from freshmeat or from gnome CVS.
- edit the file memprof/memintercept.c search for
  #define STARTER_SIZE 1024 and change it to
  #define STARTER_SIZE 8192
-, make and install it.
- compile balsa in your sourcetree
- load memprof (in the toolbar)
- choose 'run' and select the balsa binary in the source
  tree src/balsa
- now balsa gets load and run. now you can do some actions
  e.g. click on a mailbox then on a mail watch what happen
  in memprof
- now close the mailbox completely and you see redundant
  stuff left open.

to check for more memoryleak you need to do action e.g. go
to compose window, go to addressbook, if you want your
routine beeing debugged then you need to make sure that it
will be called at least 1 time.

now howto get the leak info.. press on 'leak' everytime you
change into either another part of the code, e.g. composer,
addressbook, etc.. everytime you go somewhere press leak.
then you get shown the amount of bytes leaking in top of the
leak info window of memprof, then scroll the window below of
it and you come into the code and function including line of
source where you need to look.

i needed a while to figure out things but hopefully this helps.
you dont need to recompile balsa or compile certain functions

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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