Re: PATCH: Compose Coordinates *FINAL 3*

On 2001.08.22 13:48:31 +0200 Maciej Golebiewski wrote:
> >yes, thats why my first intention was only to show one single text-
> >line in a statusbar, simple, easy, clean. but that statusbar idea
> >with cells aint bad at all.
> Status bar IS a good idea but I still have the feeling that putting
> too much there is cluttering the interface. So it would be preferable
> to have the possibility you proposed for the user to set in preferences
> which information to include in the stat bar and which not.

sure, thats a good point and for sure will be implemented easily. now
how do you like them to be implemented ? the way like in compose
menu->show with togglebuttons and saved into prefs or a separate page
in the main preferences window ?

> >well as i said this 'feature' is just an IDEA, nothing that should go
> >into CVS or whatever. just an idea that i state as you see i have
> Personally I think that some form of this stat bar is useful enough to
> get into balsa.

well, i am not the maintainer hehehe its up to pawel deciding this. i
for now collect suggestions, ideas, recommendations and listen to people
and i hope to satisfy everyones needs. preferences for this sort of
stuff will be included for sure. so you can easily choose what you want.
maybe i add some basic configuration stuff in this with menu like in
the composer window menu->show with togglebuttons, only as use case idea
no preferences saved only to click and see how things are getting enabled
or not. so you can customize whatever you want in your statusbar.

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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