Re: Behaviour when deleting mails...

On 2001.04.26 21:40:19 +0200 Eric Dexter wrote:
> > > After compiling balsa-1.1.4 I noticed, that deleting a mail leads
> > > to switching the active open mailfolder to the trash folder. The
> > > same with moving a mail to a different folder. I did not find any
> > > option to change this. It is a little bit nasty...
> > > I am sure that this was not the same in the prior version - am
> > > I wrong ? Any ideas ?
> > 
> > yeah i find it annyoing too.. i want to turn that one off myself.
> If the folder is "open", it will do this. To check, enable the
> "view"-->"show mailbox tabs". Then, at the top of all the messages,
> there will be tabs for each folder. Close the trash by clicking on
> the "X" on the tab.
> If the folder is open, and you move (delete) the message to it, the
> focus will follow the message. If the folder is closed, it will stay
> where it was.

ehhh. i prefer the old way. just one simple button to disable it.
i dont want to mess like this.

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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