Re: Behaviour when deleting mails...

On 2001.04.26 14:19 Ali Akcaagac wrote:
> On 2001.04.26 21:08:42 +0200 Christian Bockermann wrote:
> > Hi !
> > 
> > After compiling balsa-1.1.4 I noticed, that deleting a mail leads
> > to switching the active open mailfolder to the trash folder. The
> > same with moving a mail to a different folder. I did not find any
> > option to change this. It is a little bit nasty...
> > I am sure that this was not the same in the prior version - am
> > I wrong ? Any ideas ?
> yeah i find it annyoing too.. i want to turn that one off myself.

If the folder is "open", it will do this. To check, enable the "view"-->"show mailbox tabs". Then, at the top of all the messages, there will be tabs for each folder. Close the trash by clicking on the "X" on the tab.

If the folder is open, and you move (delete) the message to it, the focus will follow the message. If the folder is closed, it will stay where it was.

Did I explain this clearly?
Eric Dexter

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