Re: Versioning

On Don, 30 Mär 2000 11:39:48 Pawel Salek wrote:
[snip whole discussion]

Aehm. First off, I think most Linux Apps use a simple system, which 
balsa does as well. You have the following on a timescale:
* development version in cvs
* (developmen releases)
* code freeze
* bug hunting
* prereleases
* release
(cycle restarts)
Development releases are divided from releases by using even 
version numbers on them, or by using 0 as a major revision number. 
So I really do not see why Balsa should have two CVS branches. 
Thats IMHO only for large projects, which have to be bugfixed while 
development will continue.

I think a CVS user should never be a beginner, so you wont need a 
stable branch for the users. In general I think, what you all might 
want is to have shorter development cycles.

So, why not come up with a handy list, after every release and say: 
ok these are the todos for next release. As soon as these points 
are done, one can feature freeze, bug hunt and then release and 
start again. As much people as are in here at the moment, that 
should be fully possible.


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