Re: OutBox purpose

On Fri, Mar 10, 2000 at 10:30:56AM +0100, Pawel Salek wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder what is the purpose of OutBox in Balsa? Is it supposed to
> store mails that for some reason could not be sent immediately? I
> understand that the copies of the outgoing mail are to be stored in
> sentbox/fcc? Correct me if I am wrong. 
The outbox it is supposed to store the mails when you are using SMTP and are offline.
That has nothing to do with sentbox which stores the mail taht it is already send.

> I am just about to clean up the sending code and make it work and this
> is the scheme I am going to implement so if you want to influence the
> algorithm, please do it _now_.

Well, thank you very much but I thought I had that working. I have been asking for a week for some bug reports on the sending code and I have receive only one which is already fixed. If you have any bug please send me the report.
About cleaning the code, Iīm still working on it, and if you donīt mind I would like to clean my code myself whenever it is done which I hope it will be soon.
If you are looking for something to work on, check the pop3 retriving code, I believe that nobody it is working on it, that has a nice bug that causes a seg fault when you use threads and try to retrieve mail while offline.

> Pawel

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