Alias expansion patch

Here is a much improved alias expansion patch, featuring:
* Match as-you-type against full usernames, and cardnames.
* Case insensitive.
* Tab cycles through possible matches.
* End, or comma, or enter accepts the match.
* Down goes to the next entrybox without accepting.

To use:
* Apply this patch against a clean Balsa 0.9.0.
* configure; make; make install
* Run balsa
* settings->preferences->misc->addressbook, tag Alias expansion.
* settings->preferences->identity->default_domain to add a default domain.

Quirks: (features that people will think are bugs).
* When expanding against a cardname, it shows the username, not the
* Does not show a popup box with possible matches.  I can't make it

For developers:
* Spent the last three days hunting a memory leak.  Turns out the leak
  also exists in a clean balsa 0.9.0.
* The code shows that C is not my native language.
* Is there a g_strlen()?  I couldn't find one.  Everything else is
  gchar, gcompletion, glist, g_strconcat, etc.

Kind regards,				  
Berend De Schouwer, +27-11-712-1435, UCS


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