Re: Balsa & Sendmail

On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, Andrew Thomas wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having a problem in getting Balsa to correctly operate with Sendmail.
> I have set up my machine to be my ISP is
> Using sendmail I've set up masquerading so that email from
> my machine appears as and not
> Using Pine as my MUA everything works as I would
> expect it (hence this mail!) However I would like to use Balsa as my MUA.
> I've setup Balsa in exactly the same way (I think) i.e I've set the
> outgoing mail to be localhost  and I've even set the reply to address to
> be however all outgoing mail always comes
> from andy@primus....  I'm sure you get the idea.

Sendmail masquerades the email? Take a look at the header of the email
you sent (the one with the wrong email address) and see if it is working
properlly. If you could send here the header of the email sent with balsa
it would be great.

Another thing. You set you the E-mail address to and the mail server to "local mail user
agent" or remote SMTP server with local host? Try using the "local mail
user agent".

                                               Bruno Pires Marinho

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