Re: GNOME.Asia IRC Meeting Notes 20130115


Thanks for sending this out. It was hard if not impossible to do anything without the conference dates.

Item 4:
If we want to attract good speakers we need to have the travel subsidy policy ready at the same time we ask for paper submissions.  It is a simple reality that we aren't going to get international speakers unless they can travel assistance. We are only setting ourselves up for failure if we do not have this prepared.

Item 6:  This should not pose a problem as long as we deal with the theme of the conference.

Item 7:  Who on the local team will be generating content for both the print materials as well as internet?  Simon, you are going to need some assistance.

Item 8:  This date seems to conflict in purpose with 7. (Other than i18n)

Item 10:
I would suggest that we open registration to the public sooner than that.  Is there a reason to delay? Now that we have locked in the venue date the sooner we can get this in front of people the better off we are going to be.



On 1/17/13 7:39 PM, Emily Chen wrote:
If everyone is OK with the summit date May 24 - 25, 2013, then I propose deadline for below important dates:
1. CFS and CFP ready and announced by end of Jan. According to
2. Call for paper submission deadline: March 1st, 2013
3. Call for paper Notification of Acceptance deadline: March 15th, 2013
4. Announce the travel subsidy policy of GNOME.Asia 2013: March 15th, 2013
5. Confirm the sponsored Participants: April 2nd, 2013
6. Website ready with paper submission link: Feb 1st, 2013
Website ready with hotel, visa, venue information: Feb 1st, 2013
8. Website alive with English and local language ready : March 1st (Do we need local language ? )
9. Printed Materials Design(T-shirt, Stands, Posters etc... ): April 15th, 2013
10. Open registration to public: May 1st, 2013

It is a draft deadline, we can discuss about the details.


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