Dear all:
I'm sorry that I didn't attend meeting, but I'm closely contact Bin Li
and Max for this co-location event off-line. We are currently fine
to make event happen on next May 24th and 25th.
Thank you for booking venue!
Best Regards,
> 1. Emily
> Dear ALL:
> Sorry for the late
> You cloud find the notes on
> Nov 19 2013 Meeting
> Attendees:
> 2. sammy
> 3. tonghuix
> 4.
> BinLi <>
> 5. sakana
> Agenda
> 1. Review Action Item
> 2. GNOME Asia Summit 2014
> 3. When will we meet next?
> Meeting notes
> - Review Action Items
> - sakana will finish the Host announcement this week.[We decide have
> host announcement when the venue and date choose]> -
> BinLi <> and Beijing team will write the
> venue report for GNOME.Asia summit 2014.[Done]> - GNOME Asia Summit 2014
> -
> Everyone decide the BeiHang <> University
> will be the GNOME.Asia summit 2014 venue and the date is 24th, 25th> - Everyone discuss the venue, There are 1 big conference room and 6
> May.
> small rooms(each could have 20 to 40 people if we provide extra> - We are still waiting fedora side reply for co-locate conference.
> chairs), We
> might be booking 1 big conference room and 3 small rooms(1 for
> GNOME, 1 for
> openSUSE, 1 for training). Emily suggest big conference could
> use by turn.
> sakana suggest to ask professor to train their students and ask
> 1 room free
> for training.
> - Everyone discuss the to do list in these 2 weeks.
> - When will we meet next?
> - We will meet next 2 week on Tuesday, 3rd Dec,2013 at 14:00 UTC in
> #asia-summit
> Action items
> - sakana and Emily will write host announcement and e-mail to list.
> - sakana will check the venue time with openSUSE side.
> - sammy will check website status with Will
> Max