Re: Vote on T-shirt design

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 02:31:28PM +0800, tong hui wrote:
OT, please vote my design, the blue one for attendees,  the red one for
:D, tonghui looks good, and my design still not in SVG, I just try to
familar with inkscape, and will need more time to provide SVG if I win.

在 2013-4-25 PM2:26,"Emily Chen" <emilychen522 gmail com>写道:

Hi all,

The T-shirt design is closed. Then we need to:
1. Close the uploading T-shirt template and remove the banner from main
page. (Will, can you help ?)
2. Vote and choose the winner (let's do vote it now and discuss in mail
3. Buy special gift from Korean to the winner. (Local team can help ? )


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