Re: Regarding Small talk in GNOME.Asia 2011

Dear Leena,

The deadline of call for paper is passed and we already received enough talks to fill all our slots.

However if you don't mind we can put you in our waiting list and we will see if we have a slot available for you later. We will inform you on or before March 25, please also consider to submit a lightning talk as mentioned earlier in my email.

If you are okay with this arrangement, please use this form to submit a talk:
Please fill out the form with your bio and a detail talk abstract, thank you!


On 03/15/2011 07:54 PM, leena chourey wrote:
Dear Pockey,

Is submission for talk(call for papers) is still open for GNOME.Asia 2011? (link is showing open)

If yes then, We from CDAC are interested to give talk on "Contribution to open source by enhancing accessibility of GNOME Desktop".

Thanks and Looking forward to hear a positive response from your side.

With regards
Leena Chourey
For Accessibility Team
CDAC, Mumbai

On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 1:19 PM, Pockey Lam <pockeylam gnome org> wrote:
Dear Leena,

Thank you for your interest in giving a lightning talk in GNOME.Asia Summit 2011.

We welcome any proposal of lightning talks related to Free and Open Source Software, please add your topic on . Please also register our event on and help us to spread the word to everybody you know.

Besides, we will be hosting a business session, we invited a lot of international companies to give presentations / training about how to run their GNOME businesses. It will be on April 1st, 2011.  We are preparing a call for participants for this business sessions at the moment.  Knowing that your centre offering training to government and local companies, do you think you would be interested in the business sessions or giving us support by helping us to find local participants?

Thank you! Looking forward to your reply!

On 03/11/2011 02:58 PM, leena chourey wrote:
Dear Sir/Madam,

Under Open Source Software Division (OSSD) of CDAC, Mumbai, accessibility is one of the major focus areas of work. Our aim is to develop software-based assistive technologies/solutions for the differently-abled people that can help such people in their interaction with the computers.For the same we have chosen GNOME Desktop to make more accessible and usable.

As paper submission date is over, but is it possible to have a talk on current work going on GNOME accessibility at CDAC, Mumbai in Lightning talks?

Looking forward to hear a positive response from your side.

Thanks & regards

Leena Chourey

For Accessibility Team,

CDAC, Mumbai

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