Public registration promotion

Dear all,

Here is a report for public registration. We started registration yesterday. So far we have 5 people registered. 1 student and 4 delegate. 3 registration on March 2nd and 2 on March 3rd today. So it's time to discuss about how to promote the event.

Let's brainstorm marketing / promotion ideas here and take action as soon as possible:

1. Designed some banners to call for action ( - fred is helping to fine tune the banner design
2. Contact every school / universities in Bangalore / and other nearby cities / district
2. Contact local FOSS communities
3. Contact any local press / media
4. Social networks ( i believed we did that already... any more we can do on this area?)
5. Blogs - any local bloging platform that will help to get more publicity?
6. A
dvertise our event at other FOSS events
 [[ one crazy idea: can we actually try to "advertise" in kde conference? ;-) will lakhil or bharath join this event?
Since our dates are different (kde is on 9-13 Mar) , we are not really competing, and their targets are our targets, let's try and find a way to do it? ]]
7. Contact all the 30 GNOME 3 parties in India, some of them is in Bangalore, they can definitely help us to spread the word (I will send emails)
8. Feel free to add your ideas

Backup plan:
We talked about giving only 100 free tickets to
Dayananda Sagar Educational Institutions
How about we increase the free tickets quota to
Dayananda Sagar Educational Institutions according to the number of online registration. We can mention that free quota will not include any lunch coupon (if we have concern of "over budget"). There is always way to ease concerns.

Other ideas are welcome.


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