Re: What kind of GNOME 3 talks?

I think it would be interesting to learn how the release team works
and how it is changing for GNOME 3.

I also think a presentation that highlighted some of the best Asian
GNOME success stories would be interesting, and help people in the
audience to see that GNOME is a already cool product in their region
and that there are already project with which they could get involved.

I seem to remember past talks at GUADEC about how some guy from
India set up a kiosk business in India, and what that was like.
Perhaps we could get him to speak again.  I forget his name?  Do
you remember Vincent?


On 01/28/11 10:19 AM, Vincent Untz wrote:

Since I expect there will be GNOME 3 talks, I don't think it makes sense
that everyone submit a "What's new in GNOME 3.0" talk. So what kind of
talks on this specific topic do you expect?

Examples I can imagine (not sure I'd submit them myself, but...):

   - what's new in GNOME 3
   - how GNOME 3 became to be
   - hacking on gnome-shell
   - gobject introspection
   - etc.

Is there any of those that you'd like me to submit specifically?


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